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During summer vacation, a schoolgirl named Shizuku, who longs to discover her true talents, observes an ordinary-looking cat riding by himself on the train. Intrigued, she decides to follow him. This chance encounter leads her to the mysterious Seiji, a boy who is determined to follow his dreams, and The Baron, a magical cat figurine who helps her listen to the whispers in her heart. Soon, Shizuku's exciting adventures carry her far beyond the boundaries of her imagination.
Shizuku is a bright girl who loves to read. It’s the summer vacation of her last year in Junior High School. When she notices the name Seiji Amasawa written in every book she has checked out from the library, Shizuku realises that someone she doesn't know has read everything she has, first.
On her way to deliver her father’s lunch, Shizuku is astonished to see a cat riding alone on the train. When the cat gets off at her stop, she decides to follow. This chance meeting leads Shizuku to the home of Seiji Amasawa.
Shizuku’s dream is to become a writer; Seiji’s is to travel to Italy and become a famous violin maker. WHISPER OF THE HEART is the heart-warming story of their love, a love that overcomes every obstacle in its path.